MWE PTO, Corp. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donations are tax-deductible based on IRS regulations.
Our goal is to raise money for the school through events and activities. This year, activities include t-shirt sales, December Book Fair, Fall Festival and Birthday Programme.
The current long-term funding priorities are:
Teacher Resources and Classroom Manipulatives
Additional PE Equipment and Library Resources
Roof Top Garden (long term goal)
Sun Shades for Playgrounds (long term goal)
Your generous donations will allow our children to benefit from these additional resources and tools that enhance the overall student experience.
Join the Birthday Program to celebrate your child’s birthday and support our school!!
Download and print the form to pay by cash. Return the completed form to the PTO, front desk or your child's teacher.
For more detail and to register online, click here.
funding request form
Download and print the MWE PTO Proposal/Funding Request Form and return the completed form with support materials to the MWE PTO. Each application will be reviewed and presented to the Board of Directors (at their next meeting) for consideration. Please allow 2-3 weeks for review. Initiatives should fall under the mission statement of the MWE PTO